Tag: tips

Total 6 Posts
docker, tips

Stopping Docker Containers Gracefully

This is a post from my old blog, originally written in 2015. The old blog is gone, and I decided to repost it here to redirect old links. The content is just slightly adjusted. I started to work with Docker containers seven years ago. I made my first Docker playground with a bunch of different images. As I began to work on enterprise-level applications deployment, I found out that there were a lot of things I was doing wrong. One ...

terraform, aws, tips

Moving the Remote Terraform State Items

Due to recent refactoring, I figured out that I need to move some Terraform state items from one S3 path to another. And then to merge configurations with other stuff at the destination directory. Terraform can move state items around, but this feature doesn't work with remote states. Here is one way of doing it. Example Use CaseFirst, let's consider the following situation, this is configuration directory tree output: . ├── db │   └── test │   ├── main.tf (s3 key: aws/db/test/terraform.tfstate) ...

career, tips, wfh

Quick Working From Home Tips

You will see hundreds of new working from home tips blog posts in the coming months. Most tech companies shifted to working from home (WFH) because of a global pandemic. We are all different, and what works for me will not work for you. I wrote this post to tell you that working from home is not rocket science. All you need is some routine. Don't try to copy, or blindly follow the rules. Build your own. Here is my ...

github, tips

An Easy Way to Track New Releases on GitHub

As a software developer, you need to keep track of many projects/tools hosted on GitHub. While GitHub has a watch feature, I found it too noisy. I open GitHub notifications once in a year, or maybe less. If you like GitHub notifications, great, you can watch a repo only for releases; they made this possible two months ago. This blog post probably doesn't make any sense for you then. However, I don't want to get a notification on new ...

career, tips, blogging

The Importance of Tech Blogging

I have a lot to share when it comes to blogging. This is actually my third tech blog and a pretty successful one. Yay, finally! :) It's a shame that really good engineers, with a lot to share often find excuses to not start blogging. Usually, you will hear things like "I have no time for writing" or they just don't see the point. They don't understand how the blog can help them professionally among other things. Now, more than ever ...

career, tips, devops

What is DevOps?

I'm a DevOps engineer, and that is how others see my role in the team. But, often nobody in the organization doesn't really know what that means or how to proceed with DevOps. DevOps is often confused with a modern sysadmin, the person who "deploys" the software and helps developers to create environments. DevOps is a methodology on how modern software organizations should do software development. The DevOps team works on automating things by using different tools and ...