Last update:
Let's start this year with some stats from the last one, 2018. Probably 99% of the articles on this blog are Kubernetes related. I wrote 28 articles in 2018 which is good, but my goal was 50 actually. I think that Kubernetes adoption in 2019 will grow, at least stats from my blog shows that and you will see the same in Google trends:

Before listing 10 most read Kubernetes articles on my blog in 2018, I will share some stats from Google Analytics.
Stats from Google Analytics
Most of the users on this blog come from organic search, actually, 74,8% of them, 13,4% direct, 7,1% referral and 4.7% come from social networks, email, and other channels:

This blog visited 146,367 unique users that come from all over the world. Here are the top 10 countries:

10 Most Read Kubernetes Articles in 2018
Now let's see which articles are the most visited:
- Set Up a Jenkins CI/CD Pipeline with Kubernetes - 43,717 (13,85%)
- Get Kubernetes Cluster Metrics with Prometheus in 5 Minutes - 29,744 (9.43%)
- Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller - 28,528 (9.04%)
- Kubernetes Persistent Volumes with Deployment and StatefulSet - 21,092 (6.68%)
- Get Kubernetes Logs with EFK Stack in 5 Minutes - 17,151 (5.44%)
- Kubernetes Service Mesh - 15,589 (4.94%)
- Kubernetes Environment Variables - 13,843 (4.39%)
- Get Automatic HTTPS with Let's Encrypt and Kubernetes Ingress - 12,930 (4.10%)
- Rook: Cloud Native On-Premises Persistent Storage for Kubernetes on Kubernetes - 10,305 (3.27%)
- Kubernetes Cluster Autoscaling on AWS - 9,350 (2,96%)
Please keep in mind that some posts are written earlier and those will probably have more visits. For example, the first on the list is written in February, while the second is written two months later, so normally it will have more visits.
I wish you a happy new year and a smooth transition to Kubernetes if that is your tool of choice!